Why Your Urologist Is Your Best Ally in Prostate Cancer Treatment

Men diagnosed with prostate cancer have a lot to think about, including their treatment options. Many men obtain a second opinion at their urologist’s recommendation, and also seek advice from radiation oncologists.

A biopsy is done to find out if you have cancer cells and what grade they are (Gleason score). A doctor in the lab analyzes the tissue sample.

1. They’re the Experts

Urologists are specialized in urinary and pelvic conditions in females, and reproductive and genital issues in males. This field of medicine covers everything from kidney stones, enlargement of the prostate, and prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction, vasectomies, and more. They often treat problems that many people are embarrassed to discuss, but are essential for maintaining good health throughout the aging process.

Frequent trips to the bathroom can be a sign of early stage prostate cancer, and can affect your quality of life
If you urinate more often, or have to go to the bathroom at night, it’s important to see a urologist like Perera Urology, you can visit their website at www.pereraurology.com for consultation or other details.

A urologist will perform a physical exam and ask questions about your symptoms. They will also take blood tests and imaging tests to get a better idea of what’s going on inside your body. Imaging tests like CT or MRI scans can help locate the problem and determine whether you need further testing or treatment.

A urologist can also test your urine for abnormalities, such as bacteria or signs of disease. They can also use a cystoscope (a thin scope with a camera on it) to look inside your urethra and bladder. They can even measure your post-void residual, which shows how much urine is left in the bladder after you urinate.

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2. They’re Dedicated to You

Your urologist will take the time to examine you, and may also ask for a detailed medical history. They will probably want to know when your symptoms started and whether you’ve been experiencing any urinary tract or sexual issues. They will also likely order tests like blood tests, PSA, or imaging scans.

They’ll then discuss their findings with you and explain what the tests mean. If they’ve discovered that you have a condition, they’ll talk to you about treatment options, including surgery.

Urologists specialize in the urinary tract and reproductive organs in men and women, and a broad range of conditions can be treated by them. For example, a urologist can treat a variety of sexual problems including erectile dysfunction and a penile disease called Peyronie’s disease. They can also treat bladder control issues such as urinating too frequently, or incontinence, which includes leaks and the urge to urinate.

A urologist can also check for prostate cancer, and current recommendations are that men should start getting regular PSA and DRE exams at age 50, or earlier if they have a high risk of the disease. They can also advise men on active surveillance, which is the best option if their cancer is slow-growing and unlikely to spread. Active surveillance involves checking PSA levels and doing a digital rectal exam regularly.

3. They’re a Great Listener

When a man gets diagnosed with prostate cancer, there are many decisions to be made. It is important to find a urologist that listens and is willing to discuss all of your options. A good urologist is able to explain the pros and cons of each prostate cancer surgery option so that you can decide what will work best for your individual situation.

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For example, one of the most common treatments for prostate cancer is radiation therapy. It involves directing high doses of radiation to the area of the tumor and surrounding tissue. This type of radiation therapy can be very effective and minimizes damage to healthy tissue in the process.

A urologist can also recommend other types of treatment such as hormone therapy and chemotherapy to help treat the prostate cancer and slow or stop its growth. These types of treatments can have side effects that affect a man’s quality of life, so it is important to find a doctor that understands and discusses these issues with you before choosing a treatment plan.

Another thing to consider is whether or not your urologist uses a multidisciplinary team of health care professionals. If you do, ask them if they hold regular meetings where everyone is involved to discuss the patient’s progress and treatment plans. This will give you peace of mind that your urologist is working as part of a team to help prolong the length and improve the quality of your life.

4. They’re Flexible

Urologists are able to adapt to your needs. They have the skills to perform surgeries on delicate organs like the bladder and prostate, but they also often use medications or medical devices to treat conditions. For example, a urologist can prescribe beta-3 adrenergic receptor agonists, such as Myrbetriq (mirabegron) or Gemtesa (vibegron), to help with an overactive bladder by relaxing the muscles. They can also use laser therapy to break up urinary stones or reduce an enlarged prostate.

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You’ll need a referral from your doctor before you meet with a urologist. The referral will allow you to claim a Medicare rebate and give the specialist important details about your symptoms, their severity and timing and your health history. You can expect to complete a registration form before your appointment too, including contact details, insurance information and a record of any previous tests.

Men and women may feel nervous about seeing a urologist, especially since a visit commonly involves an examination of the genitals. It helps to bring this up during your first meeting, and ask if you can be walked through the procedure. Most urologists have experience with this, and many are used to performing these exams on patients of all ages. The other medical speciality that deals with the genitourinary system is the urogynecologist, which specializes in problems specific to women, such as pelvic organ prolapse.

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