If you are a podiatry bondi junction or if you deal with foot and ankle problems, you might have heard of podiatry treatments that involve the use of medications like podophyllin or podofilox. You might have also come across podiatry management of patients with acute or chronic rheumatic conditions who require initiation of systemic corticosteroids or immunomodulators. And you might also have heard of podiatry treatments such as podofilox. All these refer to treatments that involve the administration of prescription medications, particularly steroids. But there is a controversy concerning the use of such medications, particularly when it comes to treating fungal nail infections.

Most podiatrists argue against the use of such medications for the treatment of fungal nail infections because these do not provide complete relief from pain or discomfort. The argument goes something like this: while podophyllin and podofilox can relieve pain by suppressing the immune system, neither of them can prevent or treat the infection. Neither does it prevent the accumulation of moisture beneath the skin, nor does it prevent the thickening of the nail plate. In fact, neither of these medications prevents fungal growth at all.
So, what is the best way to manage toenail fungus? Well, the best way is to rely on interventional techniques, in which the specialist advice given by a podiatrist or osteopathic physician is followed precisely. These techniques use needles or inter-banded catheters to inject steroids into the affected regions, either singly or in combination with other drugs. The primary purpose of these treatments is to eliminate the infection by stopping its growth and to promote healing by reducing inflammation and pain.
Podiatrists believe that a single dose of podophyllin is sufficient to effect complete healing within four to six weeks. The most common in practice today is podofilox and corticosteroid injections, although inter-banded catheters and other technologies are quickly gaining popularity. To date, the most popular podofilox option is podofilox, particularly for facial infections. Its success has been attributed to a combination of factors including ease of use, effectiveness, safety, and cost, although its use is regulated by Food and Drug Administration.
The podofilox treatment is completed with a series of injections into specific toe pockets, although in some cases, multiple injections may be required. A podiatrist will carefully plan the dosage schedule for each patient, taking into consideration factors such as age and body size. The first step in podofilox therapy is the administration of anesthetic gel, which should be applied directly onto the affected portion and then numbed with nitrous oxide gas. The second step involves injecting a prednisone-like injection into the chosen site, which helps block the receptors of the infection. After this, the infected region is wrapped in a bandage and the final step involves a continuous vein injector, which is used to administer continuous amounts of grills and podofilox.
In this case, the most effective treatment method is oral prednisolone or steroid injection. Oral corticosteroids are usually given to treat mild to moderate pandemic conditions. Whereas steroids such as prednisolone are used only as a short-term solution, the combination of both treatments is considered ideal. Consultation with a physician is advisable before undergoing any of these treatments.